Ship Charterer Definition Industry Insights Ship Charterer Definition A ship charterer is a company that hires a ship from the shipowner to transport…heisenbergshippingAugust 6, 2024
Time Charter Equivalent (TCE) CharteringIndustry Insights Time Charter Equivalent (TCE) Time Charter Equivalent (TCE) is a key term used in the shipping industry. It indicates…heisenbergshippingJuly 23, 2024
On Deck Shipment Industry Insights On Deck Shipment On-deck shipments involve transporting cargo on the open deck of a vessel. This on deck…heisenbergshippingMarch 26, 2024
Ship Hogging and Sagging Industry Insights Ship Hogging and Sagging Ship hogging and sagging is a concept to determine the horizontal bending dynamics of ships.…heisenbergshippingMarch 18, 2024
What Is Classification Society in Shipping? Industry Insights What Is Classification Society in Shipping? A 'ship classification society,' 'ship classification organization,' 'ship class,' or simply 'class' refers to an…heisenbergshippingDecember 5, 2023
IACS Welcomes Türk Loydu into Membership NewsOffical Notices IACS Welcomes Türk Loydu into Membership On November 1, 2023, Türk Loydu achieved a momentous milestone, becoming the 12th member of…heisenbergshippingNovember 7, 2023
What is LayCan (Laydays and Cancelling)? Industry Insights What is LayCan (Laydays and Cancelling)? LayCan is an abbreviation for the "Laydays and Cancelling" clause in a charter-party contract in…heisenbergshippingOctober 23, 2023
What is Deadweight Tonnage (DWT)? Industry Insights What is Deadweight Tonnage (DWT)? Deadweight Tonnage (DWT, D.W.T., d.w.t., or dwt) is commonly used to describe the total weight…heisenbergshippingAugust 29, 2023
Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in Shipping Industry Insights Emissions Trading System (EU ETS) in Shipping The EU has agreed to include shipping in its Emission Trading System (EU ETS), meaning…heisenbergshippingFebruary 20, 2023
Required Terms for Boarding Pilots at Turkish Ports Industry Insights Required Terms for Boarding Pilots at Turkish Ports A maritime pilot is a highly skilled and licensed professional Master who guides ships through…heisenbergshippingFebruary 9, 2023